Programmable TOTP token that fits any authentication system
Classic SHA-1 TOTP hardware token: high-strength and water-resistant
Programmable hardware TOTP token in a key fob format
Classic hardware TOTP token with SHA-256 algorithm support
Free 2FA app for iOS and Android with encrypted cloud backup, PIN, and biometric protection
OTP delivery via messenger — easy, secure, convenient. The service is available on Telegram, Viber and Facebook Messenger
Delivery of one-time passwords via SMS messages
Free delivery of one-time passwords via email
Free one-time password delivery through push notifications in the Protectimus Smart 2FA app - simply press a button to confirm your login
The Protectimus On-Premise Two-Factor Authentication Platform can be installed on your private servers or in your private cloud.
- Private server installation requirements: Java (JDK version 8); PostgreSQL DBMS, version 10 or later.
- Private cloud installation requirements: CPU: 2 cores, memory: 8 GB; OS: Linux; cloud disk: 20 GB; load balancer.
To ensure uninterrupted operation of your multi-factor authentication server, deploy it to a cluster of several servers (we recommend using at least three nodes). Use a load balancer to distribute the load among them.
To install the Protectimus On-Premise Platform, you can use the installer for Windows or create a Docker Image.
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f
ATTENTION: You will need to set a superuser name and password during installation. You’ll need this password to login to PostgreSQL later.
Please, remember your superuser name (postgres) and the password you’ll add on this step. This name and password will be required to login to PostgreSQL later.
The server will be started on port 8080, and the platform will be available from the address http://localhost:8080. It will be opened automatically after the installation. After launching the platform, you’ll need to register in the system.
After testing the Protectimus Platform successfully, you’ll need to get a license. To do so, go to http://platform_path/licensing, select the option you require and get the license key.
Using the key you received, you can pay for and download your license online. To do so:
After successful payment click on the Issue Platform License button.
You can also do this on the page by clicking the Issue License button.
The installer will automatically open the registration form at http://localhost:8080.
Please, create an account and log in to configure the necessary settings.
Basic settings:
Field | Value | Note |
Connection URLs | URL to connect to your LDAP server | Example: ldaps://dc1.domain.local:636
For DSPA, you need to use the LDAP connection, and you also need to import the SSL certificate. A standard way:
Base DN | Full DN of the directory in which your users are stored | Example: DC=domain,DC=local |
Password | The password of the specified user | |
User DN | DN or userPrincipalName of the administrator or user who has access to user information |
For DSPA, the user must have rights to change passwords |
Timeout (ms) | Connection timeout |
After filling in details about your user directory, add synchronization attributes.Click on the Attributes button.
Then add your attributes as shown in the example.
After successfully adding the user provider, you need to import the users into the Protectimus system and synchronize them with your user directory.In the Synchronization mode field, you should choose how you would like to import your users.
Importing users can be set up in three ways:
https.port |
Port on which your application listens for HTTPS requests. Typically, platform uses port 8443 by default. |
https.keystore.type |
Type of keystore used to store SSL certificates and private keys. Types: JKS, PKCS12. |
https.keystore.password |
Password required to access the keystore. |
https.keystore |
Full path to the keystore file containing SSL certificates and private keys. Please note that the keystore file should be located in the ..\\Protectimus\\Platform folder, in the same place as the .war and .properties files. The path should be indicated with double backslashes, for example C:\\Program Files\\Protectimus\\Platform\\keystore.jks. |
https.port = 8443
https.keystore.type = JKS
https.keystore.password = **********
https.keystore = C:\\Program Files\\Protectimus\\Platform\\keystore.jks
SMTP server’s hostname or IP address. |
smtp.port |
Port number for SMTP server. |
smtp.user |
Username or email account for authentication. |
smtp.password |
Password associated with the username or email account. |
default.from.address |
Allows you to set the address from which emails will be sent to the user. | =
smtp.port = 25
smtp.user =
smtp.password = **********
smpp.server.login |
SMPP server login. |
smpp.server.password |
SMPP server password. | |
Host or IP address of the SMPP server. |
smpp.server.port |
Port for the SMPP server. |
smpp.message.encoding |
Encoding for SMPP messages. |
smpp.from.address |
Source or sender address for SMPP messages. |
smpp.server.login = login
smpp.server.password = ********** =
smpp.server.port = 12000
smpp.message.encoding = UTF-8
smpp.from.address = Protectimus
keytool -keystore ___.jks -import -alias ___ -file ___.crt -trustcacerts
keytool -keystore publicStore.jks -import -alias protectimus -file protectimus.crt -trustcacerts
openssl pkcs12 -inkey ___.key -in ___.crt -export -out certificate.pkcs12
openssl pkcs12 -inkey privateKey.key -in protectimus_2020-2022.crt -export -out certificate.pkcs12
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore certificate.pkcs12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore ___.jks
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore certificate.pkcs12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore publicStore.jks
git clone
└── platform
├── platform
│ ├── docker-compose.yaml
│ ├── .env
│ ├── platform_data
│ │ ├── autogenerated-keystore.jks
│ │ └──
│ └── postgres_data
├── radius
│ ├── config
│ │ ├── radius.all.yml
│ │ └── radius.yml
│ ├── docker-compose.yaml
│ └── .env
└── unifi-guest-portal
├── config
│ ├── fragments.html
│ ├── guest-portal.all.yml
│ └── guest-portal.yml
├── docker-compose.yaml
└── .env
cd platform/platform
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
git pull
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
└── platform
├── platform
│ ├── docker-compose.yaml
│ ├── .env
│ ├── platform_data
│ │ ├── autogenerated-keystore.jks
│ │ └──
│ └── postgres_data
├── radius
│ ├── config
│ │ ├── radius.all.yml
│ │ └── radius.yml
│ ├── docker-compose.yaml
│ └── .env
└── unifi-guest-portal
├── config
│ ├── fragments.html
│ ├── guest-portal.all.yml
│ └── guest-portal.yml
├── docker-compose.yaml
└── .env
cd platform/platform
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
Protectimus Ltd
Carrick house, 49 Fitzwilliam Square,
Dublin D02 N578, Ireland
USA: +1 786 796 66 64
Ireland: +353 19 014 565
Protectimus Ltd
Carrick house, 49 Fitzwilliam Square,
Dublin D02 N578, Ireland
USA: +1 786 796 66 64
Ireland: +353 19 014 565