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Enabling Protectimus Mail Tokens

PLEASE NOTE: Protectimus Mail tokens are available free of charge and offer a simple protection method, as email inboxes are typically secured with a password. However, it’s important to note that this method provides a lower level of security compared to other token types, especially if the same password is used for both the email account and the protected resource.

1. Log into Your Account and Go to the Tokens Page

Log into your account in Protectimus SAAS Service or On-Premise Platform and go to the Tokens page.

Protectimus Mail token setup - Tokens tab

2. Click Add Token and Choose Mail Token

  1. Click the Add Token button.
Protectimus Mail token setup - Add token button
  1. Go to Software tokens.
Protectimus Mail token setup - Software tokens button
  1. Choose Protectimus MAIL token.
Protectimus Mail token setup - Protectimus MAIL button

3. Fill in all the required fields

  1. Token Name: choose any name you prefer for the token.
  2. Email Address: provide the email address where the user will receive the one-time passwords.
  3. One-time Password Length: choose your preferred one-time password length (6 or 8 digits).
  4. Click Save to confirm your settings.
Protectimus Mail token setup - Fill in all the required fields
PLEASE NOTE: You can also use the PIN code with any type of tokens you choose. If you activate the PIN code function, the user will have to enter the PIN code in the input field together with a one-time password (before or after a one-time password, depending on the choice of administrator). The one-time password and the PIN should be entered as one string without spaces or any other characters between them. This is an additional level of protection for the user account.

Protectimus Mail token setup - How to add PIN to the one-time passwords

4. Assign the Token to the User

You need to assign tokens to users to let the authentication system know which Token every User owns.

  1. Go to the Users page.
Protectimus two-factor authentication sytem setup - Go to Users page
  1. Find the User you would like to assign a token to, click on the button Assign Token:
  • if you have not created a Token yet, choose New, and add a token;
  • if you have already created a Token, choose Existing, then select the required Token and click Assign.
Protectimus 2FA system setup - How to assign token to a user

5. Assign ‘Token with User’ to the Resource

  1. Go to the Resources page.
Protectimus two-factor authentication sytem setup - Open the Resources page
  1. Find the Resource you need, click Assign, then Token with User.
How to Assign Tokens With Users to a Resource - step 1
  1. Select the Tokens with Users that should be assigned to the Resource and click Assign.
How to Assign Tokens With Users to a Resource in Protectimus 2FA Service - step 2
If you have any questions, contact Protectimus Customer Support.
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